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Biray Dalkiran
The nightmare was about a demonic possession. A long time ago, there was an evil in a small town and it was jealous of the girl and would never let her go, since the devil loved the girl. One night, the evil raped the girl and she became pregnant. After months the girl could not hide her baby, her father figured her secret out and clapped the girl in irons and locked her room door. But the evil put the gun to her father' temple and saved the girl. The father had a stroke and had been sleeping on the bed for three months and died. Time went on and the girl b爽爽影院免费观看rought a child into the world. Naturally, people who were living in the village heard the story and they did not want to see neither the girl nor the baby since when the baby was born, plants dried in the field, fishes lost in the lake and people had prayed to the god for rain, but nothing changed in the village. People got so angry, dug a hole in front of the fountain, put her into the hole and threw stones at her face. The girl died soon after. The evil went off the deep end, took a revenge of the village and killed everyone except two sisters because the evil wanted them to take care of its baby...
Asim Abbasi
近期,一部名为《Churails》的巴基斯坦网剧经历了被禁播,又在观众的愤怒下,重新上线的过程。这部10集的连续剧讲述了4个不同背景的女人,因为父权制的不公而走到一起,成立了一个秘密侦探机构“Churails”(女巫)的故事。 四名女主角,一个是曾为律师的上流社会家庭主妇,一个是势利的活动策划人,一个是十几岁的拳击手,一个是刚出狱的杀人犯。她们开了一家时装精品店,作为秘密侦探机构的幌子。这份侦探工作,本是为了帮助怀疑丈夫不忠的女性找到证据,但随着情节的发展,它触及了一些不容忽视的议题,如童婚、骚扰、虐待、强迫婚姻、种族主义、阶级不平等、同性恋等等。从威胁对妻子家暴的丈夫,到解救陷入强迫婚姻中的Churails成员,面纱反而成了她们执行任务时隐藏身份的重要掩护。 该剧在巴基斯坦和印度都获得了热烈的反响。许多人对该剧大加赞赏,说它开辟了新天地,打破了陈规,将坚强的女性置于故事的中心。当地一著名媒体评价其为“女权主义杰作”。然而,由于这部剧涉及女性饮酒、穿着不符合保守要求、使用粗俗语言等场景,同时也遭到了反对。巴基斯坦媒体监管机构要求点播平台下架了该剧集。 此举引发了强烈的反应。巴基斯坦人气女演员Sanam Saeed表示,禁止坦白的电影和网剧,不会终结强奸。著名男演员Usman Khalid Butt也发布了一我们有点不对劲生肉资源系列推文,表达他的愤怒,并提醒当局努力解决近日成为头条新闻的强奸案,“哦,你们把《Churails》给禁了?真是恭喜。那现在,就把你们的愤怒集中在‘警方未能逮捕高速公路强奸案的主要嫌疑人’这个事上吧。”还有公众人物表示,既然如此,也该禁止动作片,“因为巴基斯坦也经历了暴力和杀戮危机!”(来源:BBC)
海伦(卡拉·朱里 Carla Juri 饰)是一位十八岁的妙龄少女,她本性桀骜不驯,又十分叛逆,喜欢特立独行的生活方式,向往自由的人生哲学。某日,她突发奇想决定刮肛毛,结果受了伤,导致痔疮大出血,不得不住进了医院。
规矩多多的住院生活对于海伦来说简直就如同坐牢,好在这里有一位名叫罗宾(Christoph Letkowski 饰)的男护士,罗宾个性温文尔雅又彬彬有礼,深得海伦的喜爱,然而,罗宾的内心早已经被一位漂亮的女护士所占据,当然,奔放的海伦可管不了这么多,她使出了浑身解数,想要勾引罗宾。在海伦的内河南洞房心里一直隐藏着一个和她叛逆外表并不相称的愿望,那就是希望离婚的父亲和母亲破镜重圆。
A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a m暖秋电视剧odern relationship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rather, when it's time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming but hot-headed Lee Riley returns to Los Angeles to win back the girlfriend he left behind, alluring and headstrong Kate Caldwell. Despite having moved on and grown into an independent wo飞虎之壮志英雄 电视剧man, Kate agrees to let him stay while he looks for an apartment and soon enough, the pair falls back into their old patterns, losing themselves in an ardent relationship once more. Yet, as the free-spirited nature of their romance starts to tear down the life Kate has built, she finds herself losing her new identity but unable to let Lee go. Likewise, Lee starts to wonder if the buoyant memories from their past are preventing him from growing up and becoming something more.
Chile's 2009 Academy Awards official submission to Foreign-Language Film category. Santiago de Chile, 1978. In the midst of the tough social context of Pinochets dictatorship, Raúl Peralta, a man in his fifties, is obsessed with the idea of impersonating Tony Manero, John Travoltas character in Saturday Night Fever. Raúl leads a small group of dancers regularly performing at a bar located in the outskirts of the city. Every Saturday evening, he unleashes his passion for the films music by imitating his idol. His dream of being recognized as a successful showbiz star is about to become a rea爱在何方剧情lity when the national television announces a Tony Manero impersonating contest. His urge to reproduce his idols likeness drives him to commit a series of crimes and thefts. In the meantime, his dancing partners, who are involved in underground activities against the regime, are persecuted by the governments secret police. Tony Manero is a story about loss of identity and obsession in the recent Chilean history
Vivek Agnihotri
正直勇敢的贾汉上尉一直坚信自己的命运要由自己掌控,面对人生的各种挑战,都要做赢家。 在奉命抓获私自到军事禁区水域游泳的苏哈妮之后,两人由斗气冤家,逐渐演变为彼此难舍难分的爱侣…… 然而,命中注定他们的爱不会一帆风顺,这段姻缘遭到了苏哈妮家人的坚决反对,他们爱的命运也受到了空前的考验。 离开家庭,一心想自己掌控爱情的苏哈妮,却目睹了贾汉的订婚场面…… 救了陷入暴风雪中的新郎,应邀参加其婚礼的贾汉,残酷地发现婚礼的新娘正是苏哈妮…… 面对命运的挑战,贾汉会怎样应对?他们爱的命运会走向何方?……
Growing up is tough on Berlin’s Gropiusstadt housing estate. No o东成西就国语版ne can avoid the drugs and the fights. The summe玉蒲团夜宵魂免费观看r is tedious, money is urgently needed, a theft goes wrong泷泽萝拉 封面. No frills, just like Felix Lobrecht’s source novel.
劳伦斯·塔尔伯特(本尼西奥·德尔·托罗 Be交换目录nicio Del Toro 饰)因幼时的悲痛记忆,离家多年并与家人鲜有联系。一日,在伦敦演出的劳伦斯被弟弟本杰明的未婚妻格温·康利弗(艾米莉·布朗特 Emily Blunt 饰)找到,康利弗告诉劳伦斯本杰明惨死的消息,并请求他回家乡黑色荒野进行调查。劳伦斯重新回到幼时生活的地方,此行他不仅想找出杀害弟弟的凶手,而且希望揭开母亲当年惨死父亲怀中的真相。记忆中宛如世外桃源般的黑色荒野因为接连有人受袭身亡而陷入恐慌,关于月圆之夜出现的怪物更是众说纷纭。调查中劳伦斯终于亲眼见到传说中的怪物——狼人,在追杀狼人的过程中,劳伦繁写体转换器斯不幸被咬伤。伤愈之后的劳伦斯感到自己的体内开始产生变化,关于被狼人咬伤后将变成狼人的传说应验在了劳伦斯的身上……
The striking feature film debut of writer-director Alexandre Moors, BLUE CAPRICE is a harrowing yet restrained psychological thriller about an abandoned boy lured th级漫画o America into the shadows of a dangerous father figure. Inspired by true events, BLUE CAPRICE investigates the notorious and horrific Beltway sniper attacks向日葵黄软件下载 from the point of view of the two killers, whose distorted father-son relationship facilitated their long and bloody journey across America. Marked by captivating performances by Isaiah Washington and Tequan Richmond, lyrical camerawork, and a unique and bold structure, BLUE CAPRICE documents the mechanisms that lead its subjects to embrace physical violence. BLUE CAPRICE paints a riveting portrait of 21st-century America and a haunting depiction of two cold-blooded killers that will endure long after the lights come up.