搜索"Nico" ,找到 422部影视作品
The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with actress-screenwriter Iulia Lumânare. Interestingly, the feature recycles (and completes) The Christmas Gift and another, unreleased short film, New Year’s Eve. One of the protagonists is Ştefan Silvestru, the director of the national television station, who has to deal with a career-ending issue: an actress who appeared in a sketch to be broadcast on New Year’s Eve has defected the country. Silvestru’s son, Laurenţiu, who plans to defect by swimming across the Danube to Yugoslavia, is the protagonist of another story, all six of them exploring the atmosphere in Bucharest before the “end of the world”, or the fall of the regime.
TRANSMITZVAH is a love story between siblings. They exhibit their wounds, exchange the pieces of each other’s puzzle, and complete (or start) the process of reaffirming their own identity. Rubén –the Singmans’ youngest son– challenges tradition by deciding to have a Bat Mitzvah instead of a Bar Mitzvah. Twenty years later, Rubén –now MUMY SINGER– returns to their hometown as a famous Yiddish singing star. After a sad event in the family, MUMY loses her voice and, with the help of her brother EDUARDO, tries to complete the path to adult life. A comedy with a jolly, playful, and musical dialogue about MUMY SINGER, and her trip to the past to make herself up, avoiding shortcuts and labels. The journey to who we really are can’t be avoided and must necessarily be taken.
Raymond Martino
凯莉(安娜·妮可·史密斯 Anna Nicole Smith 饰)是一名商用直升机驾驶员,她与丈夫高登警探感情甚笃。两人各自拥有独立的职业,过着幸福的生活。然而,一天,凯莉接到了一个任务,需要负责接送一位神秘的异国客人前往洛杉矶的一座大楼。但事情并不像她所预期的那样平稳,因为这位神秘客人竟然是非洲来的恐怖组织领袖。 恐怖分子使用高科技手段控制了大楼,挟持了人质,采取了极端残暴的手段。凯莉很快意识到情况的严重性,她自身也受到了威胁,身陷危机之中。高登(理查德·斯特恩梅茨 Richard Steinmetz 饰)是一名警探,作为人民的守护者,他当然不会坐视不理。他决定挺身而出,与恐怖分子进行激烈的对抗,试图解救被挟持的人质,包括他深爱的妻子凯莉。然而,这次任务非常艰难,因为恐怖分子拥有高科技设备和极其危险的手段。
John Nicolella
Joaquin Montalvan
In a decaying America, 20 years after an apocalyptic event, Pike leads Ruby, Slim, Scar, and Boots through the wasteland towards the town of Jawbone in hopes of finding shelter, and to confront the evil Magistrate. But will they make it to Jawbone? And what will they find when they get there?
Paris, 1887. Duels have been officially outlawed but are still regul不住家保姆ar practice. For many, they are the only way to defend their honor. Fencing master Clément Lacaze tries in vain to prevent his nephew from engaging in an uneven duel with the more experienced Colonel Berchère. Marie-Rose Astié de Valsayre, a feminist fighting for women’s equality, tries to show that honor is not just a male affair. Actor and director Vincent Perez’s historical film makes excellent use of various forms of duels – with épées, pistols, an善良的小峓子2在完整版韩剧d sabres on horseback.
Ilyas Kaduji,Michael Redwood
Katherine of Alexandria, brought up as a nomad and living in the desert, was aged just 11 when Emperor Maxentius saw her whilst out on patrol. Consumed by her beauty, impudence and uncanny talent for languages, he abducted the child, killing her family. The slaughter was witnessed by her young friend, Constantine, who would l草蜢社区在线观看ater become Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. He never lost hope of finding Katherine. As a young woman, Katherine refused to submit to Maxentius' offers of marriage and she continually denounced his brutal enforcement of pagan religion upon the masses. Still obsessed with her beauty, Maxentius brought Katherine before 50 of Rome's finest scholars in an open court in Alexandria, where she eloquently demolished神之谜题第一季 their arguments. When Constantine learned of Katherine's whereabouts and imprisonment at the hands of Maxentius, he led his army from York in a desperate bid to save her.
Nicole Conn
爱伦娜(妮卡尔·扎德甘 Necar Zadegan 饰)是一名摄影师,她那身为牧师的丈夫将世间一切除了男女之爱外的恋情看成是不可饶恕的罪恶,而爱伦娜亦安心的扮演着贤妻良母的角色。一次偶然中,爱伦娜遇见了熟女群p名为佩顿(特拉茜·丁维迪 Traci Dinwiddie 饰)的女子,佩顿是一名女同性恋,爱伦娜惊讶的发现,自己的目光总是不经意的流连于佩顿那美丽的面容之上。 因为工作的原因,爱伦娜和佩顿之间的接触越来越多,两人都觉得,对方的身上散发着致命的吸引力。在阳光,森林18岁女RAPPERDISSSUBS13汉语台湾和美丽的音乐之中,两名女子之间产生了恋情,尽管这恋情不被伦理道德所容纳,但是两情相悦心心相惜,这难道不正是世上最纯洁的感情吗?
阿德里安(Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet 饰)是一个代号狼牙学习钢琴已有15年之久的天才钢琴家,可是在梦寐以求的伯恩斯坦钢琴大赛上他功败垂成,人生跌落谷底。经过一段时间调整,阿德里安重新振作,成为了一名盲人钢琴调音师。事实上他只是带上了隐形眼镜,这会让别人认为他听觉方面更加敏锐,并由此得到更多的同情和消费,甚至还会窥视到别人的生活与隐私,他兀自沉浸在这种虽处闹市又仿佛置身世外的超然之中。某天,他来到一户人家工作,殊不知这里刚刚发生一起凶案…… 本片荣获2011年卢纹(Leuven)国际电影节最佳短片奖、2012年法国恺撒奖最佳短片奖。
Joe Chappelle
故事的开头如同《迷失》一样,始于一架即将出事的飞机。在迫降之后飞机上所有人都死于一种神秘的病毒,FBI以及各方调查组介入调查。但这只是故事的开始,接下来FBI的女特工奥利弗-邓哈姆(Olivia Dunham)和高智商天才彼得-毕舍普(日本网站黄页大全Peter Bishop)将携手面对一系列匪夷所思的可怕现象。为了阻止危机的进一步扩展,他们将寻求彼得早已疏远的父亲的帮助。而他的父亲沃特-毕舍普博士(Dr. Walter Bishop)则一直被精神病院所收留。出院之后,三个人组成的调查小组开始对各种离奇事件进行研究。随着遇到的事情越来越棘手,沃特-毕舍普博士背后不为人知的一面也逐渐浮出水面。片中出现的一个名为巨能(Massive Dynamic)的前沿科技公司也跟沃特-毕舍普博士颇有渊源,它的创始人曾跟他同在一个实验室共事。但巨能公司的诡秘行为却不得不让人怀疑它跟一系列神秘事件脱不开关系,不过偶尔也会为奥利弗等人提供一些帮助,这让它的真正目的变得更加扑朔迷离。到底巨能公司是为了拯救人类不遗余力的正义天使还是妄图将整个地球变为自己可以为所欲为的实验室的幕后黑手?随着奥利弗等人的深入调查,真相将逐渐水落石出。
George is the scapegoat of his classmates. One day he cracks and shoots them. His best and only friend Blaise is accused in his place and sentenced to 7 years in a psych韩漫无遮漫画大全iatric hospital. At the day of his release, Blaise realizes he only has one family: his best friend Georgjaponensisjava高清点播e. But he does not want to hear about his childhood friend, as he tries to integrate with the "Chivers" a gang whose members wear red jackets and boots, dr卡盟代理ink milk, drive sport trucks and play an incomprehensible and violent game that mixes cricket and mental arithmetic.